life is change and transformation

life is change and transformation
From the mud a lotus blooms

Monday, October 25, 2021

The Mind Meditation and Living




Joe Rogan and Amisha Jha

Amisha Jha Neuro Scientist


Understanding your mind is the no 1 learning experience that will change your life.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Clarity finds Love in Unity Gathering ; The Project






A Spirit Gathering of heart and mind

Clarity Finds Love in Unity

People Come together for life

Becoming one with our spiritual compass

Living in the moment with breath as our guide

Finding equanimity with all things seen unseen

Surrendering to the unity of nature and the Earth Mother

Principles; non judgemental Loving compassion and unity

Living in the spirit of continuous engagement and the unknown


Tai Chi movement, Yoga Nidra, asana, Bhajaan song healing sound, Breathing pranayam, 2 person hands healing

Sun 5 Dec. 2021 1100 (4.5hrs)

Where Guildford Hall 32 Fryers st Guildford Vic

To book send email with name mobile email by 5/11/21 places limited

Entry envelope Donation at door or to BSB 633000 Acc 120991815

 Gerard 0407734479 or

 ‘Meitreya’ Friendliness Project

updates or 






His Holiness Dalai Lama embodiment of Compassion and love

The Teaching 



Buddha – the enlightened one, the awakened one, the relieved one, Lord, Buddha, the knower, a prophet, the Exalted One

Dharma – the sacred Teaching, truth, righteousness, Buddha’s law

Sangha - the community of disciples of the Blessed One, the Brotherhood, a meeting of the spiritually inclined men, the Council

Arya (Sanskrit: आर्य) – worthy; excellent, perfect; lord, master.

General translation:
I greet the noble Maitreya, the Buddha, the Supreme Law, and the Saints who serve the Highest Truth. I bear them in mind so as to find protection in Their Light and achieve the Highest Enlightenment by the fastest Path.



Story of Bodhisattva Maitreya 
(Part 1/2) The Maha-parinirvana of Maitreya



Christ and Maitreya Buddha By Rudolf Steiner From "According To Luke)"

Rudolf Steiner in the chapter Luke delineates the doctrine of compassion and Love as taught by the Buddha and the human essence of Love as displayed and made human in the 'living actions of Jesus'.


A talk on Nicholas Roerich 1930s artist and his Maitreya works. 

The Coming of the World Teacher: Maitreya/Christ



 Buddha Maitreya Sechuan China 

 Bronze Statue




Meitreya organization 

twitter Meitreya





healing weavers 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dr Vladamir Zelenko Keeping people out of hospital ; The Zelenko Protocol to be healthy

 Dr Drew and Vladimir on Covid mismanagement

Background wikipedia 

 Treatment Protocol


Alternative therapy labelled loony and banned by media

Dr Zelenko became well known in the US for openly contacting the white house early on to offer treatment for Covid with existing vaccines at a fraction of the cost. He treated Trump with Hydroxychloroquine.

He and other physicians who speak out against the FDA and Government policy re vaccinations have been sanctioned and named conspirators and unscientific plus blocked by social media.

Fundamental Principles

Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.

Risk Stratify Patients

  • Low risk patient - Younger than 45, no comorbidities, and clinically stable
  • High risk patient - Older than 45, younger than 45 with comorbidities, or clinically unstable

Treatment Options

Low risk patients
  • Supportive care with fluids, fever control, and rest
  • Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day for 7 days
Optional over the counter options
  • Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or
  • Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day for 7 days
Moderate / High risk patients
  • Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin D3 10000iu once a day for 7 days or 50000iu once a day for 1-2 days
  • Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or
  • Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or
  • Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed etc.
Treatment Options
  • Dexamethasone 6-12mg 1 time a day for 7 days or
  • Prednisone 20mg twice a day for 7 days, taper as needed
  • Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days
  • Blood thinners (i.e. Lovenox, Eliquis, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Aspirin)
  • Colchicine 0.6mg 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days
  • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Home IV fluids and oxygen




Zev speaks to a crowd in Texas on the divide between those who believe in a Spirit and religious tradition and the seekers of power and money.






Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thursday, October 7, 2021

My story & other Pfizer mRNA vaccination / choices not mandates


Teaching healing 2008


 Shot 1. 30 July     Shot 2. 20 Aug

This is my Pfizer vaccination story and the consequences.

 Before the Pfizer shot I had no pre-existing heart or circulation deficiency.

After the shot I have had multiple reactions including dizziness, brain fog, headache, tingling in the feet, extreme heat in the lower body, heart palpitations, nausea, aches in muscles and joints, swelling in the limbs (feet legs) night sweats, vertigo, stomach upset, chest pain.

I have had multiple tests, 1 urine, 2 Cardiac ECG (three), 3 Ultra sound or Echo test.

The original doctor when informed of my condition by letter refused to comment after I sent a letter asking for answers They sent a link to the TGA to code in an adverse reaction There is a link below, see REPORT.

November 2021 another doctor said I should focus on more important health risks and that if I was still alive then there are more deadly things to consider and stopped talking over the phone saying he had an emergency.

 Tests seem to detect nothing. I have had 1 blood , 3 ECG, 1 urine and to Nov 23.21 3 clinic appointments, 1 emergency visit, 



 Click the link to videos


video No 1 The reactions after vaccination of Pfizer

 Video No 2 Ongoing reactions to vaccine.


Update Nov . 2021 ECG heart Tests ultrasound and emergency visits 


Herbs anti inflammatory

The sad state of our duplicitous Pro Pharma health.

 Medical interactions Aug to Nov  2021


How Fluvoxamine helped me recover. 

Video on fluvoxamine and recovery

Fluvoxamine Maleate E 27



Monday, October 4, 2021

The earth humility and working in mother nature.

 "Getting down into it and dirty"

Vandana Shiva environmentalist and activist; She, on her farm speaks of how we become one with the earth and heal and care for ourselves and the mother.

 I love this explanation from Vandana because here in my semi self sufficient block of land with solar energy from Surya the Sun and pani water Narayan from the sky I know I can feed and heal myself as I work organically in the soil. That earth built up over years with composts and manure. 

It is such a loving experience to nurture plants and vegetables from seed to kitchen and learn about the feelings of each little plant and its requirements to grow. It is an act of participation in the miracle of the Mothers fertility, seeding near the full Moon, mulching and watering daily.

In this interaction we become closer and closer to Ma, The Mother of the universe and "the Ma" in yourself, that is Love, the creative female side. For to partake in the life cycle is to know what it is to witness life which is the force of Love.


Working in nature is healing oneself.



Oneness, Quantum theory with Prof. Vandana Shiva

Vandana is an Indian environmentalist whose original field is Nuclear physics. She had an epiphany and stepped sideways into biology, agriculture and seed production etc...

 Here she explains how the world is connected from the micro to the macro level.

 She is a Nobel Prize recipient.



This is the no 1 enemy of mother nature, those who control the world health program and vaccinations.