life is change and transformation

life is change and transformation
From the mud a lotus blooms

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Seed Mantra Ahhh .....healing as sound

Healing sounds as therapy 

This sound will open the heart.

It will heal the broken heart.

It will allow you to transcend this illusion of self and other.

Use it as meditation to become aligned to Oneness.

Sound Ahh to open your heart.


sit quietly morning and evening
Sing the seed mantra song with an open heart
Become aware of feelings and thoughts,
Softly breath
 Merge with the universe

Be joyful
The sound will enable you.
Embrace the love within everthing.

Theoretical notes

In music therapy sound resonates within each person on a spiritual level affecting deep inner emotions, feelings and thinking.

Sound being unseen is also immediate, like smell and aroma it bypasses the brain often deep in our unconscious selves.
For elders who sing or listen to music with dementia this can prove miraculous as their memory immediately remembers places, feelings and people where normally ther mind fails with the illness.

The sound Ahh is is the first segment of AUM trilogy of sounds.

It effects the heart chakra and creates a sattvic (harmony) quality of love and devotion.

Many mantras used in bajaan singing have this seed sound or "Bij" in them. 
The Ahh in Namah in, 'Om Namah Shiva ' comes to mind. The Raa in, 'Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram" is another.

To create good results repetition and continuous practice is needed.  These sounds can heal the mind, the emotions and the physical body.

As a healer I often use mantra in my work with often amazing results in opening and healing emotional wounds and allowing surrender and release leading to forgiveness and equinimity.

Adapted from music frrom Ashit Desai...

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