life is change and transformation

life is change and transformation
From the mud a lotus blooms

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Rite of Healing Intention with Mother Earth

Gerard Menzel      M.0407734479 



Intention Love and the power to heal

As a added appendage to your healing it would be beneficial if you did the following things and were aware of the fact that;


  • Your healing is your sole choice to change.  We are both material material in body spirit plus emotions.
  • I am an intermediary between the source Gaia, Mother Earth energy field and  you.
  • Start connecting to the mother Earths field of energy NOW….

-  breath into your belly,
-  observe nature, listen to the birds,
-  feel the water on your hands, skin,
-  allow the wind on your back etc..

- Say the sound Om - AHH – HUM for 3 min with breathing alternately between sounds

The Practice

5 – 10 min Meditation
Sit quietly and focus on the Mandala of “MA”  Mother Earth, GAIA

Breath in her power and love in the form of a chrystal soft light into your pineal centre in the third eye.

As you embrace her and surrender to her love, as the Giver of all, Kali Ma the Destroyer of Darkness, breath in her inspiration and healing power of SHAKTI.

Bring your breath to the base of the spine and focus quietly as you breath

Most important theme



In your minds eye think of what you want to heal / change

Imagine where you want to go, how to feel, draw it in your mind.

Now as self intent, cognitive feedback and self hypnosis tell you Mind Body       and spirit you will go there in the healing.

Listen and watch

Chakras, Healing Sound and emotions.

Gerard @ wild lotus   This is my blog


link to sound therapy

Chakras link

This is the space for you to visualize your intent. Imagination is the art of creation.

I request the intervention of MA mother earth Sophia GAIA in all her wisdom and power to grant in

Mind Body Spirit the following transformation into the light of love and power of life…...

I  (Name)…………………………….………………………………...........................WISH....

















 source J.L.Lash The Sophianic Myth  

In the Gnostic Myth of the Fallen Goddess the Mother earth is Sophia. 

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